Saturday, February 22, 2025
Mobile Marketing

Mobile Advertisements set to Rise in the UK

There are currently 80 million mobile phones in the united kingdom. According to a paper by Textlocal, 37 million customers, a UK SMS advertising platform have chosen for SMS as their favorite choice for receiving notifications from companies.

Only 50 percent of the companies surveyed now have a SMS marketing strategy in place.

The company estimates that the amount of customers opting to receive business communications will grow to 48.7 million in 2020. This will definitely make SMS the quickest marketing channel in the united kingdom, if true.

UK regulatory body Ofcom estimates that 93 percent of the UK population own a mobile phone.

Managing Director of Textlocal, Jason Palgrave-Jones, said:

“Britain is quickly becoming a ‘mobile’ society since mobile phones are frequently the first and last thing individuals engage with each day.By their own nature, mobile phones would be to hand and supply an unrivalled platform for brands to communicate directly with their audience.

“These are exciting times for those involved in the cell industry as the benefits to consumers and businesses are realised.”

Huge visibility

SMS marketing occupies a distinctive place in the advertising cannon, in.

The white paper estimates the recipient opens a 98% of business-related or branded texts. 90% of these are opened within 3 minutes of receiving them.

Once they have opened granted, the majority of these texts will be ignored or deleted. We have been there, getting the rush of receiving a text message, only to discover it is the pizza takeaway offering you 2-4-1 on large pizzas.

There is a considerable response rate however. The report highlights that fact that of the 7 billion texts delivered by companies in 2017, 23 million users reacted.

Rachel Aldighieri said:

“It’s clear that mobile marketing and SMS is set to rise as UK consumers remain intrinsically connected with their own phones.

“The medium is already popular for sending marketing messages, but as technologies grow we hope to see an exponential rise in its usage amongst consumers and businesses.”