Saturday, February 22, 2025
Personalised Marketing

Marketing technology: Are we talking your language?


As entrepreneurs, we’re utilized to users. I’d suggest we’re a little good at applying to talking to our clientele the same abilities.

Rather, we are apt to talk to each level of each client organisation as though they are advertising technology specialists.

It’s 1 thing for a marketing technology company to modify its tone depending on the sort of company it is talking to, i.e. the vertical sector in which they reside.

But we must make sure you tackle our customers.

Take your organisation, for instance. Your decision makers are likely to need something different from a dialogue with us. As a CMO, you’ll probably need more of director or the marketing detail compared to your CEO.

Your financial director, on the other hand, is likely to be talking far more in terms of bottom line benefits that are pure.

If we, as an industry, would be to provide our customers a better service, we will need to do more than offer technical wizardry that is missing in a haze of vague language. We have to have the ability to communicate with you , and so as to understand what you need successfully drive change throughout your business.

So here is my guide (easy and jargon-free, naturally) to finding a marketing technology company that talks your language:

Do they know your company?

Building an comprehension of the challenges your business faces until they engage with you is a significant indicator your marketing technology company ‘gets’ your own world.

As the most basic of requirements, you need to expect them to have completed a few desk study before you engage, and when you meet that they should spend time listening to the issues you confront as suggesting solutions or making recommendations.

The company also needs to avoid making you feel like you’re stuck in some kind of information driven marketing Groundhog Day. If a person within their company has spoken to someone in your company should know it. They need to have these discussions’ key points to hand. And they shouldn’t expect you to repeat yourself.

If I’m talking to a potential for the first time, then I will take the opportunity to know from the information available to ensure I’m going in to speak about matters that are important to them.

You may already be talking to a incumbent about 80% of what I will be speaking to you about, however when I can provide a new strategy, angle or profile — and articulate it — you’re more likely to give me the opportunity to engage further.

Do they understand your pain?

If you’re a CMO, by way of instance, you may anticipate a marketing technology company to utilize the ‘doctor’ type strategy. They’ll want to know what your issue or ‘pain’ supply simple options that will assist you address that pain, and is.

Then, it’s worth building an understanding of exactly what your pain points really are before you speak.

Our experience tells us CMOs usually want wins rather than bangs, so we’re most likely to suggest addressing your problems at a phased strategy.

A provider who understands this — who will steer clear, and treats your aims as their targets, who can use examples to show its factors – is very likely to deliver faster and prove simpler to utilize.

Are they keeping it easy?

If you’re visiting a number of agencies and organisations, you will find they’re all likely to pitch a solution that might be the answer to your issues. Many times, the deciding factor is how accessible and simple those talks are.

Acronyms, buzzwords and technical jargon are not important. And if everyone can provide a vaguely similar technical solution, then that’s not the determining factor either

Lately I have been speaking to a client who wants to invest time and resource hand-cranking campaigns. They have experienced the exact same advertising technology merchandise mentioned to them partners and by three suppliers — us included.

The product is exactly the same, the benefits are exactly the same are almost exactly the same. So who does the customer go with to move forward on implementing this item?

The answer is the agency who makes it easy for them, the one which talks concisely and only – because in this guide competition for their business, the product is not the focus.

Are the benefits clear?

Whatever your function, I imagine you are not likely to need to wade speaking about of the elements of a product.

That is why I will concentrate on the three functions that will help the client after execution is complete.

I do this because I understand that when I can make the benefits clear and simple to understand (and then make the procurement process easy, and implementation swift and precise) we will have the ability to move ahead and deliver results faster.

Can they properly interpret your fantasies?

The odds are you will not approach us asking, for example, for a “single customer view (SCV)”. Alternatively, you can talk with respect to outputs, what an SCV could provide.

That means you might request a better understanding of or express a desire so you can communicate more 31, to get closer to your clients.

The ideal data driven advertising partner is one who is attuned to your speech (rather than the other way round), so if you don’t use the term “SCV” they could still unpick your needs to understand what you’re really looking for.

Discussing your language

Acronyms, buzzwords and jargon aren’t important. And when a similar technical answer can be offered by everybody, then that’s not the determining factor.

So when it comes to deciding on your marketing technology associate, I believe what matters is the capacity your world is understood by us. We recognise your own pains. And we can only articulate a way that is fast to deal with them.