Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mobile marketing is dead: Long live gaming Advertising


Opinion A recent research conducted and released by MobileBridge indicates that mobile marketing tools, though accepted by the marketing community, are slow to receive upgrades and stalled in enlarging their current mobile apps. It seems that mobile technology is ahead of their understanding of this beneficial technology too and far ahead of marketing applications.

What does that mean as a supporter of marketing and marketing? If the past is any indicator of future trends, once any brand stops, delays, or hesitates to upgrade a press, that media might have a tailspin and a crash-and-burn ending. Why? Because slow updating means the (actual or perceived) ROI/ROR of those tools might be in question. Or answer and the efficacy to the customer journey/experience might not be matching the aims and objectives of the instrument and supporting the promotion goals and objectives. This mindset has been trending with their entrepreneurs and customers so the data collecting is out of whack and not suitable if not offered by companies like facebook and Google.

Is something better on the horizon?

If we all agree on a number of the key tenets of mobile advertising and marketing strategy (as discussed and assessed by MobileBridge), we’d recognise that the main marketing purposes are engaging employees, attracting new prospects and establishing dialogue with existing clients, while the key aims are building customer loyalty, engaging clients, and, of course, driving revenue.

In a DMA event almost five years back, a discussion subject was: ‘That is the year for mobile marketing’. Maybe not?

Must we look for something new, something rising above the marketing horizon? The “why” is simple: Advertisers are constantly searching for the “Next Big Think,” that, in my estimation, might be a severe mistake in media use and choice.

All this is nice, but is currently coming up short as it’s a media and not a closing media–in spite of the fact that companies argue that cellular by its very nature is an action-based, closing-the-sale networking?

Extended live game-based advertising?

Think about the concept of using and creating marketing-based video games. I am not suggesting “Call of Duty” to sell underarm deodorant, but matches designed and defined by the onset to gain the brand with relevant stories, articles, and competitions that encourage the advertising strategies of the brand and will start a dialog and engage the customer or potential.

Just how can we go about creating and using such games? To begin with, to proceed we need to define what our marketplace is and offer you a more serious, friendly and entertaining description. I suggest picking ‘Brand-Based Interactive Narratives’, or BBINs, for a name, and deciding which of the three gambling level definitions below apply to your demands. (Note: These are my definitions. I know of no “official” offering of marketing based gaming based definitions, but perhaps a few should be developed.)

Level one: The match of non-response. Simple non-responsive (in most cases) matches; toy-based gaming ports like those used by restaurant chains or retail places to either entertain or get folks involved with the offerings of those locations. Response has been generally limited by these, and few are action oriented. Most ask for contact information but inquire in a passive manner.

Measure two: The game of instruction.These involve greater detail, similar to a true video game but chiefly designed to instruct, exchange information, as well as in a number of the better illustrations, gather user information. Car-driving games Sailing games, or even tourism and travel games are examples that fit within the definition of gaming that is level-two.

Branding and gambling are a natural team – the Simon & Garfunkel, the Lennon & McCartney, the Bert & Ernie of the world of marketing

Level three: The sport of relevance. Marketing by character is the notification of a story, a narrative, defined to support markets sections or a specific. Action-based marketing is designed to encourage the messaging of the brand and to counter brand challenges; remove or decrease; or decrease the part of a competing product, support, or alternative antagonist points of battle.

These goals can be achieved by introducing BBINs.

The aim and objectives of a brand-based gaming option Aren’t only earnings related

According to the MobileBridge analysis, engagement is a objective of mobile marketing, but the study evaluation introduces the question of whether customers are active. I’d respond that active users need to be reclassified to buyers and non-buyers, and any messaging that will be used in a video-based brand game would have to start with at least two avenues–(1) YES, I’m interested and (2) NO, I’m not. From this stage on, the storyline should encourage the selected path.

The issue, as I view it here, is that many manufacturers are afraid or not interested in challenging the consumers/prospects when they state (2) NO, I’m not interested. Many of the customers I deal with only move on to people who are interested, and focus with resolving or discovering the reasons a NO response was created. Is this true? Because on face value the charge to convert a response is significantly higher than the price to convert. Yet we know that the percentage of prospects reacting negatively to a narrative is so big that a brand is foolish not to create gaming plans designed to convert negatives to positives.

I can understand this, since the user or prospect drives the reasons for NO and are often misunderstood by the brand or considered to be too large to scale. A properly developed and designed brand game will allow the data to counter these NO’s with legitimate reasons to say YES and supply “levels” into the game which will allow the “NO” consumer to become a YES or perhaps a MAYBE customer — a MAYBE consumer is possibly a future yes consumer. The game offers a path to the summit or a route to achieve a new level of success, also, on the way, offers your clients ways to acquire company, profits that are enlarged, and perhaps, more importantly, increase market share.

Strategies, tactics and results

It has always astounded me how many manufacturers seem to tactics and strategies but frequently don’t associate S&T with their outcome model, or frequently forget that S&Ts need to be directly supported by the operational tools of marketing. As with others in the planet, participation is constructed of strata, but although engagement is cited by even the MobileBridge study as a priority. Dialogue is among those layers. The conversion rate will increase proportionately, possibly if you can get past the threshold as indicated in the MobileBridge research?

Beware! Pokemon Go propelled the consumer with discussion but also became a public nuisance – a threat which BBINs may face also

We seek interactions or touches with the B2B or consumer base. A well-designed BBIN supplies that interaction on a level never seen. Following the introduction was created, participant data received and analysed via special strategies could be developed for each category of consumers and, much like a clay sculpture being worked by the artist, the marketer can alter the demographic sculpture of the new as more information is provided or as the base design of this demographic changes.

Next Measures and outline

A brand or brands will need to step forward to break the mould of traditional advertising and commission a game to be developed that will incorporate a story arc, define the rising and fall of new- and – consumer-based occasions, and develop a story which has multiple layers and was made to gather data both overtly and covertly.

This contributes to a narrative that includes plot spins and climbing of the stakes, and, in the long run, leads not only to sales but to some fair, two-way engagement. Marketing has been and must always be a two-way street–a super highway supplying numerous lanes–which reflects an understanding that some consumers enjoy the slow- hand lane approach, others live inside the fast lane of life, and others may be amenable to crossing the lanes and taking advantage of the newest options available.

Let the games begin, or, as one of the partners in my literary venture has stated. “Watson, the game is afoot!”

I am ready to lead the way. Brands need to employ!