Friday, February 21, 2025

What can we learn from the younger generation’s Christmas spending?


The winter holidays are known as a time for the families. However, what about families without recognized holiday traditions, or young adults with children?

We are talking about the marketer target audience. This demographic have their very own spin, as one might expect.

We pulled data up that Exponential gathered describing pursuits and the actions of 18-30 year olds.

After seeing the information through a couple of different lenses, we discovered that the family dynamic — especially, if these folks are married or single — was the largest differentiator for their vacation programs.

Most surprising was this behaviour fit stereotypes about gender roles. Wasn’t this demographic assumed to have moved past that by now?


Younger generations love to travel, and travel peaks during the holidays, so it is not surprising that 18-30 year olds are all over this — in actuality, they are more likely to travel in December. The vast majority are likely to be in the budget travel category while a few go upscale.

Women are typically the ones, when it comes to heterosexual married couples. (We saw that they were the most likely to be assessing the weather throughout the excursion.) They prefer to reserve being 23% less likely to consult a travel agent.

Those with children are interested in family-friendly destinations, such as Orlando and San Diego, but less than 100 miles will travel. Married couples without children favour hotels in Mexico and Las Vegas.

Single 18-30 year olds, as well as gay and lesbian couples, aren’t likely to hit the road — they’re 27.7% less likely to lease a car during the vacation. These folks take to the heavens.

Australia is a pick for this particular demographic, and in December it serves as a destination for both leisure and household visits. Other vacation options include Spain, Thailand, and Brazil.

Homosexual and lesbian couples are interested in Cuba. Other year old’s battle to choose a destination, which may help explain their interest in class excursions with a cultural or educational theme.

Gear and head for the mountains breaks out their winter sports . You’ll find about a third singles that are youthful compared to people, even after adjusting for people.

Gender and an even bigger role play. Men are 41 percent more likely to exhibit an energetic interest in ski and 49.8% more likely to be actively interested in skiing. It’s still hard to find any sport appealing to both sexes, and it is especially true in winter.

Of course, many of those that are unmarried visit with their parents for your holidays. Interestingly men are more inclined to get this done for people with Chinese or Indian tradition — than women, over two times as likely.

Even some married individual within this demographic will visit families abroad. We see high interest in off-season traveling especially Ireland, Finland, and Sweden. A spike is also in travel to Asia, with Japan and Indonesia being especially popular relative to traveling quantity.


Younger generations are known to favour experiences and the trend continues during the vacations. They are as likely to purchase entertainment than consumers — everything from music concerts to film tickets.

We see a couple ladies pick up knitting, as hard as it may be to think of it as entertainment.

The major difference, this being the holidays, is that 18-30 year spend even more. They are 64.4% more likely to be regular restaurant goers, 77.2% more active on restaurant review websites, and proportionally spend more on eating more than any other group. As with traveling, this demographic often go low or high but are.

Single guys prefer educational toys and Star Wars figurines. (Then again, they may be buying for themselves.)

They are 2.56 times more likely to see a costly restaurant, however 26.4 percent less inclined to visit a casual chain. Fast casual restaurants like Chipotle, Panera, and Five Men continue to be staples, of course. Carbs are still out — given their urban location, they’re 22.1% less likely to eat pizza.


Interest in electronics spikes throughout the vacations. Even egalitarian individuals fit old stereotypes — the group avoided together with the 77 and is dominated by men.

Last year cans were generating a lot of buzz (no pun intended) and we anticipate the same in 2016, especially now that Apple has officially given up on the headphone jack. This December but while Apple creates interest from younger generations than any other brand, it might show benefit.

The only laptops that this demographic show interest in are priced Chromebooks, although New MacBooks will soon be on offer. (This creation simply doesn’t believe computers when thinking about holiday gifts. Productivity software is the only thing which fared worse with younger people during the 2015 holidays.)

There’s no interest from the Apple Watch. The iPad, at least, remains coveted by women — but pills barely register.

1 surprise from 2015 was that there was continuing interest in gaming consoles, and all indications are that the same would be true in 2016. Stay options as media centers in addition to gaming, although the PlayStation 4 and Xbox You can find three years old today. Even though we understand that using technology, heightened interest doesn’t always translate to actual sales — the class may be reinvigorated by virtual reality glasses for your PlayStation.

Gift Buying

Children may be shocked to hear that presents aren’t a massive priority for 18-30 year. Oftentimes, gift giving seems like an afterthought.

This generation are as likely to be there if you look at customers who invest the most in the last couple of days before Christmas. Conversely they are less inclined to be searching for deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, even though generally this demographic are 92.1 percent more likely to shop on line.

Who is dashing through the snow on December 24th? Single younger men. We found they are far less inclined to be present planning compared to their counterparts.

Of those 94 shopping categories we considered for this article, only 11 had more single men than married men, and those were the most predictable gift categories — including cologne, chocolate, and inexpensive collectables (or even tchotchkes, if you’re in New York). Single young girls are the least likely to be shopping at last minute, and if so they rely on gift cards.

The holidays are often considered a time to splurge on themselves by girls within this market.

And why not? Singletons show heightened interest in cosmetics, spa treatments, and boots. And women that are half of a doubleton (yes, that is a word) will purchase themselves jewellery, fashion accessories, and baldness treatments. Both sets agree that December is a fantastic time.

The stereotypes continue when this creation wander into a children’s aisle. Girls are 77.2% more likely than men to buy a Barbie doll, while guys are 51% more likely to buy a train collection. Girls are curious about doll houses.

Single men prefer toys and Star Wars figurines. (Then again, they may be buying for themselves.)

Missing the trees to the forest

This data can be really packed it seems like a present in itself – .

Do not lose sight of the fact that we’ve aligned thousands of behaviors to fit an artificial concept that is about as dependable. There are as intriguing as this angle can be.

In reality, the only stereotype of 18-30 year old’s that actually holds true is that they’re individualistic and more diverse . And Generation Z seems to be even less predictable.

So fellow entrepreneurs… happy holidays? It is a fantastic time.