Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why brands and app owners are currently missing out on a valuable marketing opportunity


Brands are passing up engagement, traffic and conversions simply by neglecting to allow content from their programs show up in Google’s organic search results.

The claim follows study by content and search functionality firm Searchmetrics which revealed less than a third of iOS and Android apps are able to encourage Google program indexing (deep linking).

The business found that an Android app is offered by 84% and researched 100 of the sites in Google US hunts. Only 30% of them had executed support for the app indexing of Google that lets index and show pages in its search outcomes.

If it comes to the 88 percent of sites from the Searchmetrics analysis that offered an iOS app only 19 percent were found to encourage deep linking.

The results mean if Google believes the app content relevant to the search query, since after an app owner has empowered Google app indexing an individual who has that program may be shown pages from it that app owners are missing out on a marketing opportunity. It permits them to take users into the webpage within the program rather than the page on a business website.

The analysis revealed that if analysed by industry online apparel retailers were likely to allow deep linking for their mobile programs. Of these with an iOS app 32% have enabled app indexing compared to 31% for Android programs.

“Many companies have invested heavily in apps, yet on average 20 percent of the programs a individual installs in their device are only ever opened once,” said Marcus Tober, CTO and founder of Searchmetrics. “App indexing is an excellent chance to increase the investment on your program — by helping drive more visitors and interaction and potentially more conversions,” he explained.